by Julianna Gąsiorowska

We have a winner!

Judge-Suzuko Koseki send us her choice of the Winner in Sew Out Loud Contest.

Here is the winning design:

Judge's comments: "
The thread goes properly in the needle hole. And the spool is real too. Other patterns are really splendid too. I enjoyed it and worked as this judge."

Congratulations Caroline!

Here are your prizes:

#1 - 75$ Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop

#2 - FQ bundle from Duni's Studio

#3 - FQ bundle from Sew fresh Fabric

#4 - Suzuko Ozeki prize (it's a surprise generously offered by our Judge).

1 lovely comments / miłych komentarzy:

Veni... Vidi... Comentare...:)))

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