by Julianna Gąsiorowska

SMS Giveaway winner

Thank you very much for all your lovely comments! I tried to reply to each of them, but there were too many (I didn't expect it!).
Your ideas are really helpful (I told about most of them my husband -we'll see soon which one inspired him:).

And now... the winner:


* number 330 is my comment closing giveaway, so I didn't count it:)

3 lovely comments / miłych komentarzy:

  1. Is that me?! Or was there another Danny?

  2. Yay! It's me! Could you send me an email so I can send you my information? My email address is

    Thank you!!!


Veni... Vidi... Comentare...:)))

Dziękuję za pozostawiony przez Ciebie ślad!
W miarę możliwości staram się odpisać e-mailowo autorowi każdego komentarza. Moje odpowiedzi na blogu zamieszczam, gdy może to pomóc innym czytelnikom.

/ Thank you for your lovely comment!
If possible, I try to respond to every comment. I put my answers on the blog when it could help other readers.
