by Julianna Gąsiorowska

Good year / Dobry rok

When at the beginning of 2011 I got back to work (full-time, stressful, exhausting), my whole family was telling me that I won't have time or strength to sew...
Luckily for me they were wrong:)))

Thank you soooo much for your comments and support during this year - it's really important for me (without you, I wouldn't make so many things!!! Sometimes I was so unhappy with things that I sew, but your comments and honest remarks, made me feel better and motivated in ripping the seems:).

This year was a good crafty year: I've learned a lot (still not so much to skip into intermediate level of quilting), I've been a part of lots of swaps and bees, I've made some tutorials and (what's probably most important): I had a lot of fun!

I've picked 20 favorites things that I made this year (at first I wanted to pick 10, but it was too hard:):

1. Pretty in pink - ready, 2. My new tea breaks sunshine, 3. In the mood for lime, 4. Julianna, The BOOKKEEPER, 5. Circle pieced, 6. Dandelion quilt top, 7. Quilt top - WIP, 8. Memory Board quilt top, 9. Pillow for a friend, 10. Pillow or... [FtLoS swap], 11. Block for Bearpawandbearpaw, 12. Pouf close up, 13. My very own lap quilt, 14. Something to try beige, 15. One of Christmas gifts, 16. Almost done. Almost tutorial., 17. PLPS done, 18. Without green option, 19. Baby quilt folded, 20. Sewing under rainbow

When you look at quilts (baby, lap - some WIPs) I made this year:

1. Finished!, 2. My very own lap quilt, 3. Simple wall hanging, 4. Nap quilt for Mary, 5. Memory Board quilt top, 6. Dandelion quilt top, 7. Quilt top - WIP8. Not available

you'll notice that I'm not a quilter, but pillow-maker!

1. PTS4 pillow, 2. Kitty for my daughter, 3. Romeo & Alice in Wonderland, 4. Back of a pillow, 5. Front of a pillow, 6. In the mood for lime, 7. PTS5 finished or almost finished?, 8. Pillow for a friend, 9. Pillow or... [FtLoS swap], 10. Without green option, 11. Rainbow option, 12. Sweet shop pillow, 13. Christmas pillow, 14. One of Christmas gifts, 15. Next one (Christmas gift), 16. Christmas gift for my Mum

(these are not all pillows I made this year -some are not revealed yet:)

Tutorials that I made this year (actually last 3 months of 2011) make me proud a little bit:)

This is my wish for you for the 2012
- let it be as good (or better!) as 2011.

12 lovely comments / miłych komentarzy:

  1. Lots of wonderful quilting projects this year on your blog:) I really love to read your posts and look at colourful quilts and pillows and others of course:) Keep going!!!

  2. You'd never know you weren't a quilter ;-)
    Well done...12 months of gorgeousness!

  3. u mnie.. oby byl lepszy niz 2011 :)
    bardzo duzo narobilas w tym roku pieknych rzeczy :) oby tak dalej :) uwielbiam to ze u ciebie wszystko jest tak pieknie kolorowe i zywe :)

  4. Gratuluję, twoja twórczośc jest świetna. Mimo iż wróciłaś do pracy dajesz radę pogodzic wszystko.
    Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Spełnienia marzeń i relaksujących godzin przy robótkach.

  5. What bright and colorful quilting from this year--lovely! We are hosting a year-end link party at Please join us if you'd like!

  6. I wish the same for you! Your projects always make me smile, I love the colours you decide to use. I think that your pillows are just little quilts for heads and backs, so surely they are quilts too.

  7. С новым годом! вдохновения и здоровья!

  8. you had a very successful year. May 2012 be even better

  9. Wszystkiego dobrego w Nowym Roku ! :D

  10. Co za wyżerka dla oka w dniach szarugi! Patrzę na to i czuję się bogata i syta, coś pięknego! Do siego roku, Zdolna Igiełko, karm mnie jeszcze :)))

  11. Nic nie rozumiem, tylko fotki podziwiam :-O
    Piękne prace ,kolorowe. Bardzo dużo tego jak na jeden rok..w dodatku w czasie wolnym od pracy..
    Podziwiam,trochę zazdroszczę ;-)i życzę równie owocnego Tego roku w takie cudne rzeczy i zdrówka !!

  12. Pięknie pracowity rok... gratulacje...


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