My story about Drunkard's Path:)
Over a year ago I won pieces of fabric cut using GO! Drunkard's Path 7'' (details HERE). When I got it, I just couldn't believe how piecing Drunkard's Path is easy! I was sure that rotary cutting this block would not be so easy, would be timeconsuming and not so precisely as die cuts. So I started dreaming about GO! Cutter. But I wasn't only dreaming: I've started saving money. And lately I finally buy GO! Cutter (yey!).
Recently I've got opportunity to test Drunkard's Path 5". Piecing this size of Drunkard's Path is more difficult than piecing Drunkard's Path 7", but after a few blocks everything is easy and fun:)
When I was at training (totally not related to patchwork&quilting) I got some squared pieces of paper and I was playing with Drunkard's Path shapes. I figure out a few interesting combination at the break - one of them is the roof of Sweet Shop. But you can be sure that patterns or tutorials using this block will be more!
Pillow made using my pattern will be large (20 inches):
Attention! All measures and tips are given to make the pillow you see in my photo. Alternations are very welcomed:)
All sizes (except pillow size and roof size) are approximately (because I sew in centimeters and recalculating measurements from centimeters to inches gives strange results - such as 7,6 inches - so I decided to give measurements approximately).
Fabric requirements
Roof: 9 stripes measuring 5 x 10 inches (if you are new to GO! cutting system make stripes 5,5 x 10,5 inches)
Background next to the roof: 2 stripes measuring 5 x 10 inches (if you are new to GO! cutting system make stripes 5,5 x 10,5 inches) + small rectangular measuring approx. 3 x 4 inches
(a few parts of Drunkard's Path block will left - as on the roof I used 9 different fabrics)
Wall: less than Fat Eight (approx. 9 x 11 inches)
Window: 4 squares measuring approx. 3 x 3 inches, small stripes in two colors
Doors: rectangle measuring inches 5 x 7 inches, stripes in two colors, cirle (cut using GO! Circle 2" die)
Sign-board: fabric scraps with words
Piecing the roof:
Piecing the roof is the most important part of this pattern.
Cut using your Go! Cutter Drunkard's Path 5" 18 blocks of colorful fabric (this means that you'll have to cut 9 times as Drunkard's Path Die cut at once two Drunkard's Path complete blocks) and 4 blocks of background fabric (you'll cut 2 times).
Excellent video tutorial on piecing Drunkard's Path blocks you'll find on blog of super talented Kerry (HERE).
Before you piece parts of Drunkard's Path blocks you can lay down Drunkard's Path pieces to make sure the order of piecing together is right - this scheme can be used as a guide:When each block is pieced, put all blocks in order shown above and cut a stripe from each of using the following schemes:
Cutting stripes from Drunkard's Path blocks and piecing top row of the roof:
Cutting stripes from Drunkard's Path blocks and piecing bottom row of the roof:
Piecing the roof together (add two rectangles as shown):
Piecing the window:
Piecing doors:
use your scraps to piece the sign-board or embroider the name of you shop. Finished sing-board measures approx. 2 inches x 5 inches.
Piecing all parts together:

Quilting tips
Wall is quilted straight, so as doors. Window is quilted on the seems. The roof is quilted firstly on the seems and then I made echo quilting.
Making the pillow
I was in such a hurry that I didn't take photos of making the pillow, but I promise that tutorial on this is put on my 'to do list of tutorials':)
Pattern in PDF
Pattern in PDF is available HERE (all details are clearly visible!).
Julia! rewelacja! fantastyczny wzór i super tutek!! dziękuję - myślę że skorzystam :) a dziś myślałam właśnie o poduszce w kształcie domu i wpisałam sobie ją na długą "to do list" ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńJulka! Ta poducha jest genialna!!! Skąd Ty bierzesz te pomysły??? Jeszcze Ci się nie zdarzyło nie zaskoczyć jakąś bombą!
OdpowiedzUsuńGreat tutorial Juliana- I love your diagrams, they are very clear and easy to understand!
OdpowiedzUsuńWow! I am hosting a Drunkard's Path quilt along right now, and LOVE the way your scallops look! I was still settling on a block formation, I may have to use this arrangement! There are so many possibilities, I love it :)
OdpowiedzUsuńBeautiful work, but also not too easy,! wish you every success, I greet:)))
OdpowiedzUsuńO dzięki ci za ten post, zabieram się za szycie poduszki- domku, a ty otworzyłaś mi oczy na to że w cale nie muszę jej robić z trójkatnym dachem. Twoja poducho oczywiście świetna, taka misterna praca z dbałością o szczegóły, podziwiam.
OdpowiedzUsuńAaaach! I nic więcej nie jestem w stanie ! :)
OdpowiedzUsuńŚliczny jest ten projekt i bardzo udana lekcja! DZIĘKUJĘ!