jednoiglec [@]
/ You can contact me by sending an e-mail:
jednoiglec [at]
Nazywam się Julianna Gąsiorowska i jest mi bardzo miło powitać Cię na moim blogu!
/ Hi! My name is Julianna Gasiorowska and I'm very happy that you stopped by on my blog!

W 2012 r. pierwsze z moich prac zostały opublikowane w magazynach patchworkowych. Moja pasja otworzyła mi drzwi do wzięcia udziału w ciekawym projekcie i opublikowania jednej z moich prac w książce. Mam nadzieję, że nie jest to ostatnia taka przygoda:)

I discovered fabrics and sewing passion thanks to my beloved daughter. When I was pregnant I found on the internet lots of gorgeous fabrics – those fabrics wasn’t then available in Poland, so I started buying patchwork fabrics in US online shops. At first I thought that I will be using them just for sewing clothes for my daughter, but when I was looking for some help at Polish forum (while sewing a dress), I found photos of beautiful quilts and I just knew that I have to try sew something like this.
na zdjęciu: fragment Wysokich Obcasów / in the picture: me in Polish magazine for women
Now I'm a hard-working mother and wife (full time job in a branch far far away from quilting) and I try find time for my passion - mainly when my daughter and husband are sleeping.
I must admit that I've changed totally: in the past I was buying lots of shoes, bags and clothes - now I buy mainly fabrics and I don't like buying clothes anymore! I was a party girl before my daughter was born, now the best party is an evening spend in my creative space! My friends still cannot believe in this:)
Last year (2012) first of my works were published in quilting magazines. I took part in interesting project and my work become a part of book. I hope that I'll have opportunity to repeat this adventure:)