by Julianna Gąsiorowska

QAL update / Aktualizacja QAL

Our Sew Out Loud QAL is almost ending. Lately a very unique and gorgeous blocks have been published by our super talented designers:

/ Nasz QAL dobiega końca. Niedawno piękne i wyjątkowe bloki zostały opublikowane przez niezwykle utalentowane quilterki:

Block # 6 by Kerry (@ Very Kerry Berry):

Click HERE for details.

Block # 7 by Susanne (@ Quilt it out):

Click HERE for details.

Block # 8 by Amy (@ Badskirt):

Click HERE for details.

Block # 9 by Leila (@ Where the Orchids Grow):
Click HERE for details.

Very soon we will have the last (not least:) very important moment in our QAL: contest submissions. Be sure that you won't miss it!

3 lovely comments / miłych komentarzy:

Veni... Vidi... Comentare...:)))

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/ Thank you for your lovely comment!
If possible, I try to respond to every comment. I put my answers on the blog when it could help other readers.
