
I am a lucky winner!

Wersja polska wkrótce:)
From some time I follow Elizabeth's blog "Such a Sew and Sew" (just look at all her beautiful works - I dream about the quilt with dragonflies she made) and lately she organized a really interesting giveaway. The two winners of this giveaway will send Elizabeth their fabrics and she'll send it back all cut up with her Go! and ready to sew in their choice of dies.
I was waiting for the announcement full of hope (I like in this giveaway the idea of sharing time and her win Go! with the rest of blogmates) and....
I didn't win:(
After anouncement of the winners I simply left a comment congratulating the winners and got back to sewing my bee blocks.
Today I launch my computer, read some e-mails and one e-mail (from Elizabeth) made me the lucky person:
I won!!!
One of the original winners of giveaway Deb won already her Go! and Elizabeth have chosen another winner: me:)))
Any words cannot described how happy I am!
I wrote in a comment that I would like to win Drunkard's Path died fabric and I even can't wait choosing fabrics for such a wonderful project (I've never tried it before and will be a huge challenge for me to sew the parts together).
Elizabeth wrote something about me and my blog here (that is really nice: THANK YOU!) and her thought about the name of my blog is so sweet!

"Project Town," and that surely sounds like a place I could live.

Although this meaning is not in 100% what I thought while naming my blog, but it's also so good to describe me and my works and I like it very much:) (I think about puting this name as an English version of Projektownia - but I'll ask Elizabeth first about her permission to use it - she's the author)
There is not such word as "Projektownia" in Polish - it's made up name. "Projekt" is in Polish the same as English "Project" and I name my blog in this way because I am beginner quilter and I would like to try all the quilting and patchwork methods. Sometimes (probably often) not all my works are finished (you probably know how it is: so little time and so many things to do) and they become just drafts, projects - not finished works. I run this blog to encuorage me to finish my works - when I put a photo of unfinished work I just feel in a way oblige to work on it 'till it's done.
Thank you so much Elizabeth! For the price and especially for your warm words!

5 komentarzy:

  1. Congratulations!!! :))))
    but there is one mistake at Elizabeth's blog. There is wrong link to (or not to ;)) your blog.

  2. Oh! And I love the 'project town'!!! It's really sweet!!

  3. No to teraz dopiero pojedziesz po bandzie! Gratuluję!

  4. I fixed the link this morning so now it comes here :D .

    You are so welcome! I'm really excited to give this prize to someone who is so enthusiastic about receiving it. I can't wait to see what fabrics you choose. It will be so fun to cut them for you.

    I love your blog. Feel free to use "Project Town" as your English subtitle. I feel the same way about my blog as you do about yours -- a place to organize my creative things and motivation to keep working on them until they are finished.

    Congratulations again!

    xo -El

  5. o jaaa cieeeeeeeeeee ale Ci fajnie będziesz teraz "cutać"


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